The Spicey Chicken Cartel (TinSCC*)
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 + Spam of Khanford
 + 2001 SCCAMMIz
 + ChickenBoner Club
 + L & E Ass.
Other Stuff

The Spicey Chicken Cartel Presents...


A big part of a site like this is the content. And, on this page, I will present links to the satirical, sophmoric, sophisticated, scathing, sometimes serious articles that make up the bulk of this site's content.

While the original intent of the SCC web site was to humiliate MMFools by the time-honored process of "demonstrating absurdity by being absurd", I have decided it is time to take a more serious approach. While dry, witty humor will still be a weapon in my arsenal against would-be-scammerz, I will also be incorporating serious content into the site. I hope you enjoy it, and maybe even learn something from it!

The 'e-Gyp-shun' Hieroglyphics, Re-Interpreted! (Part 1) May.26.2004
For many years, we have wondered just what exactly the Ancient Egyptians were trying to say when they wrote the hieroglyphics on the inside of the pyramids. Since it was discovered, the Rosetta Stone has provided a method of translating these writings into a language we can read...

Hello? Apr.18.2003
What I am about to tell you, gentle reader, is not a tale of MMF per se. However, there is a loose coupling between this spam and MMF, as it is the story of a st00pid spammer luser who tells me how he has managed to Make $$$$MONEY$$$$$ Fa$T! using the Internet.

Spam Tracker: Wrath of the Conned Mar.07.2003
In the first of what may become an ongoing series, we are introduced to Major Harry O. Crapper, a mild-mannered bomber pilot who takes issue with spammers after being suckered by several Internet scams, and decides to do something about it.

I Get Mail! Mar.06.2003
Some goof AOLuser sends me an email which sounds like a Bible-Thumping Raelian MMFoolish kiddie diatribe, and I post it here for you to laugh at. A fair enough trade, in my own opinion. Anyway, next time I promise I'll have some real original new content for you.

A Valentine's Day Gift from the SCC Feb.14.2003
In honor of St Valentine (and that little naked guy who shoots people with arrows tipped with aphrodisiac), I have decided to release a new scourge on the Internet - MAKE (out with) $$$$HONEY$$$$$ FAST!

The Cartooney Network Presents... Jan.18.2003
Recently, I have received several letters from Europeans who were seeking to Make $$$$MONEY$$$$$ FA$T, and wound up with their 'personal information' posted on the Internet. It seems that they feel I am the bad guy, and they are threatening to sic their cartooneys on me! So, I have decided to respond to one such missive right here, where everyone can read it and have a good laugh. Read THIS, Euro-Phoolz... Then READ IT AGAIN!!!

"The Lighter Side" of MMF, Part XI Dec.24.2002
My gift to the Internet this holiday season - another serving of Humiliation for those seeking to Make $$$$MONEY$$$$$ FA$T! And so, here is another little bit of MMF-related humor, designed to poke a bit of fun at current events while not offending too many people - or at least not the ones that matter.

"The Lighter Side" of MMF, Part X Dec.08.2002
It is December the 8th. I have met my self-imposed deadline for turning over to the RAIC another serving of Humiliation for those seeking to Make $$$$MONEY$$$$$ FA$T! And so, here is another little bit of MMF-related humor, designed to poke a bit of fun at current events while not offending too many people - or at least not the ones that matter.

A Salute! to... Turkey Day Nov.25.2002
It is one month 'til Christmas, and less than a week until Thanksgiving. In honor of the upcoming Holiday Season, I thought I would share with you the Cartel's own sekkrit recipe for Roast Jive Turkey, with malleted cranberry relish, mashed YAMmering idiots, and lots of $$$$GRAVY$$$$$ !

This is NOT a Chain Letter! [NOT!] Nov.15.2002
Which makes a better serving of Spicey Chicken: a "Short, Bushey" Pyramid with only 2 levels, or a "Tall, Spikey" Pyramid, with lots of levels (and thus, lots of Phoolz to mallet)? Read this, and then decide for yourself.

MMF Without Phoolz Nov.11.2002
Find out what happens when Phoolz are in too much of a hurry to Make $$$$MONEY$$$$$ FAST!

David Rhodes' Mailbox Nov.08.2002
David Rhodes, the 'Father of MAKE $$$$MONEY$$$$$ FAST chain letter', still receives email about his past. He has chosen to share some of them with BobCat, who has chosen to share them with you. And, of course, the Spicey Chicken Cartel has added a slight twist, with 'What He Was Really Thinking'.

Matt's Got 'Tude! Oct.11.2002
What happens when you mix an AOL account, an under-aged, over-hormoned tweener, an Internet Scam, and the 'Random Spammage Board' at the MMF Hall of Humiliation? Why, the basic ingredients for 'Spicey Chicken ala Matt', of course!

Clean Up With Formula 4-1-9 Oct.04.2002
How does one tie together the 'Nigeria 419 Scam' and Enron? Why would one want to do that? Because it is fun, that's why! Besides, it's a slow news day, scam-wise.

Ugent and Confidential Sep.16.2002
The 'DEAR FRIEND' letter, the 'Nigeria 4-1-9' scam, is the hottest thing to hit the Internet since "AS SEEN ON NATIONAL TV!" This African descendant of the old 'Spanish Prisoner' scam just goes to show that Scamming Spammerz aren't just a product of our Westernized, rotten, decadent capitalist society. Internet-based fraud really is an Equal Opportunity Employer!

A Salute! to... Labor Day Sep.02.2002
It is Labor Day, the time to celebrate the accomplishments of the American worker by taking a day off of work. During our celebrations, let us not forget those losers who, by their inept failures, their never-ending hype of 'the American Dream', and their ability to use some auto-spamming program running on a used '386, have succeeded in annoying the hell out of the rest of us, while bringing down on their own heads the Mallets of Righteousness...

Sometimes, You Gotta Vent... Jun.27.2002
If you click on this link expecting to read a humorous, light-hearted rant about the subspecies of homo-sapiens known as the MMFool, or other Internet-abusing pondscum scammers, you may be disappointed. Today, I have decided it is time to go on a Rant-page.

"The Lighter Side" of MMF, Part IX Jun.14.2002
Here is another little bit of MMF-related humor, designed to poke a bit of fun at current events while not offending too many people - or at least not the ones that matter.

A 'New & Improved', EMM, Business Opportunity Jun.7.2002
Last weekend, the unprincipled spam house "purveyor of high-quality targeted unsolicited e-mail" ("targeted unsolicited email"? What an oxymoron) known as Optin Inc. sent out a spam run shilling a "make lots of $$$$MONEY$$$$$ working at home" plan. One of these turds ended up in the inbox of an old email address of mine, now used as a spam-trap (so much for "targeted unsolicited e-mail"). My slow-roasting of that particular spammage caused me to do some 'Net searches, which led to this article. Enjoy.

"The Lighter Side" of MMF, Part VIII Jun.1.2002
Back in the previous century, I posted a series of articles to the MMF Hall of Humiliation. Titled "The Lighter Side of MMF", these were designed to parody current events and humiliate MMFools. Well, I have decided to start up the series again. Here is another little bit of MMF-related humor, designed to poke a bit of fun at current events while not offending too many people - or at least not the ones that matter.

Why, Why, WHY?!? May.31.2002
In the previous Feature of the &WHENEVER_I_FEEL_LIKE_IT, I returned to the Spicey Chicken Cartel's roots as the master of satire, irony, and below-the-belt, hardcore ridicule. Well, so much for resolutions. When I heard about the conviction and sentencing of the rapper known as the "South Park Mexican", and read the judge's post-sentencing comments, I got to thinking (always a dangerous thing.) As I talked it over with my S.O., a light bulb clicked... then I realized it was a traffic light turning red, so I slammed on the brakes. Anyway, as the "Buffafo Wing-master" of the SCC, I have managed to find a way to tie this case and pyramid scams together. Read on, and find out how I did it...

Unbelievable Voyage: Inside the Mind of a Master MMFool May.27.2002
My newest Feature is an effort to return the SCC to its roots. While I enjoy serious exposes of the Internet Scam-foolishness, and love to skewer spam email, the SCC is based on satire, irony, and below-the-belt, hardcore ridicule. And, from time to time, you have to rediscover your roots, that which makes you what you are. Websites are no different, so this is the first in a series of articles designed to entertain you while educating you as to just how stoopid MMFools and their ilk can be. Enjoy.

What's in a Name, Anyway? (Part 2) May.8.2002
A follow-up report on the Brandon Kendrick saga.

Karen Liddel's Mailbag - What She Was Really Thinking May.7.2002
Based on an article contibuted by Bobcat and posted at the new MMF Hall of Humiliation.

What's in a Name, Anyway? May.3.2002
Based on a post on the Rant Board of the new MMF Hall of Humiliation.

David Rhodes, Explained Apr.16.2002
Based on an email sent to me in response to the SCCAMMI Awardz article, which provides a bit of historical background on one of the Founding Fathers of the Computer-Based Scamz Movement.

It Really WORKS! Mar.12.2002
A true-life story of how participation in MMF schemes can come back to haunt you in the future.

MMF As A National Pastime Mar.3.2002
An analysis and commentary on how pyramid and Ponzi schemes can effect entire nations.

L & E Associates: A Lesson in Capitalism for Dot-Commies Feb.4.2002
Based on a series of "fake scam" web sites put up by the SEC for educational purposes.

The Chickenboner Club: Episode 3 Jan.18.2002
Also guaranteed to cause you to dissolve into fits of giggles and chuckles, contributed by me. This third installement wraps up this series, but stay tuned for the NEXT feature!

The Chickenboner Club: Episode 2 Jan.11.2002
Also guaranteed to cause you to dissolve into fits of giggles and chuckles, contributed by me. The third installement will be up within a week, to keep you coming back for more! More! MORE!

The Chickenboner Club: Episode 1 Jan.5.2002
Also guaranteed to cause you to dissolve into fits of giggles and chuckles, contributed by me. This will be published in three installements, to keep you coming back for more! More! MORE!

Nominations for the 2001 SCCAMMI Awardz Jan.5.2002
Guaranteed to cause you to dissolve into fits of giggles and chuckles, contributed by me. Nominations are being accepted NOW! NOW!! NOW!!! Winners will be announced if and when I feel like it.

Valuable Recipes 1999
Guaranteed to fry your taste buds and sear your digestive system, contributed by various members. These Recipes are Not for Sale, via MLM or any other means!

The "Official Spicey Chicken Cartel (TinSCC) Report on ANTI-Chain Letter" 1999
Contributed by me, based on something I read about on one of the Rant Boards at the MMF Hall of Humiliation. [Rated C&C].

The "Official Spicey Chicken Cartel (TinSCC) Honors & Awardz Program" 1999
Contributed by me, based on something I posted on one of the Rant Boards at the MMF Hall of Humiliation. [Rated C&C- best served On The Rocks].

The "Saga of Chkn Littel and the Four Valuable Reports!" 1999
Contributed by me...

The "Spicey Chicken Cartel: The spam of Khanford" 1999
Contributed by Bill, the Roadie[Rated C&C].

The "Spicey Chicken Cartel: First MMF!" 1999
Contributed by me...

Eat More Spicey Chicken!

* "There is no Spicey Chicken Cartel."

The Spicey Chicken Cartel (TinSCC) does not engage in animal testing. All our tests are performed on human subjects (or a reasonable facsimile thereof).

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