Sometimes, the most interesting things show up in one's email. For example, last week I received a response to the SCCAMMI Awardz Nominations, which included a bit of MMF history, for you high-brows out there.
The following email showed up last week, from one "Harold S.", which provides a bit of additional background into the Founding Father of Computerized Scams. So, without further ado...
Nominee for "The 'David Rhodes' Award", For "the Wierdest, St00pidest, or Funniest 'send $1 to a bunch of ph00lz' Scam", we have...
himself. He actually started it in 1983. I was one of his 500 that he sent that stupid letter to.
He didn't have a computer at the time. What got me is that his family barely had enough food for Thanksgiving (I received it before the holiday), and somehow he managed to come up with $300+ to start his scam.
The letter specifically told me that I was one of the first 500 to receive the letter. Another odd thing is that the last four mailing addresses were in four seperate towns, each in a different state, close to the border of where these four states met. Hmmm. Sneaky, huh. He was getting all the money.
This man definitely was a capitalist to the extreme. He wasn't about to share a thing.
The only good thing he did was reveal the basis for how to start a home-based mail order business, and that was it.
Anyhow, since my mother didn't raise a fool, I threw the letter away, but still receive it to this day every year without fail.
Hope you have enjoyed hearing the truth.
I certainly did, thank you. And, I'll take this opportunity to invite everyone to visit the David Rhodes page.
Remember, if you are ever tempted to become involved in an MMF pyramid scheme...
Read This! Then READ IT AGAIN!!!1
Eat More Spicey Chicken!
* "There is no Spicey Chicken Cartel."
The Spicey Chicken Cartel (TinSCC) does not engage in animal testing. All our tests are performed on human subjects (or a reasonable facsimile thereof).
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