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 Pope John Paul II

Essays and Editorials

I was in my early 20s when Karol Wojtyla took office as Pope John Paul II. Little did I know the change that he would help spur on in the world.

Posted by etee on Sunday, April 03 @ 08:36:23 CDT (20 reads)
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 It's That Time Again!

Essays and Editorials

No, not Microsoft Patch time. Just in case you woke up this morning, and thought your clock was an hour off... maybe it was. For much of the USA, today is when we "spring forward" -- setting the clocks ahead one hour in an attempt to "Save Daylight".

Posted by etee on Sunday, April 03 @ 08:16:14 CDT (6 reads)
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 Is the Death Penalty Appropriate for Children? One Parent's View.

Essays and Editorials

The US Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case, which will help determine whether or not offenders who are 16 or 17 at the time they commit a crime will be eligible for the death penalty. Nineteen states in the USA still allow the death penalty for such "child offenders".

Posted by etee on Friday, October 15 @ 11:07:10 CDT (120 reads)
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 The Weather Rules

Essays and Editorials writes "We all know by now that Florida has been hit twice by some rather devastating weather over the course of these past few weeks. In addition, we now have another hurricane which could impact this same group of people - or at an absolute minimum, stretch the funding available for the cleanup work.

It has been a relatively easy year for those of us in the Midwest. Yes, we took a beating on the snowfall and yes, we are anticipating another beating this winter...but that is yet to come.

Our hearts go out to those in the South who have endured the ravages of the sea forced inland. Let us all hope that the storms get smaller and not larger..."

Posted by etee on Thursday, September 09 @ 07:02:19 CDT (69 reads)
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 Don't Hit The Wrong ''Target''

Essays and Editorials

Recently, I was engaged in conversation with someone, who told me that they were boycotting Target, for these reasons:

  1. They were a French-owned company
  2. They did not support our troops
  3. They did not support "Toys for Tots" (a charitable activity the US Marines are publicly associated with)

This sounded somewhat fishy to me, so I thought I would do some searching.

Posted by etee on Wednesday, August 18 @ 18:00:00 CDT (86 reads)
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