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 New Survey: Who Do YOU Think Will Win the World Series?

News & Stuff

Time for a new survey. For the first time in their 43-year history, the Houston Astros have actually won a championship series, beating the Atlanta Braves 12-3 last night in Game 5. Now, it's on to meet (and hopefully, beat) the St. Louis Cardinals in the NLCS.

So, to celebrate this grand event, I thought I could either (1) go out and make an illegal left turn in front of a MetroRail train, or (2) put up a survey on this site. Guess which one I did?

Yep, it was the survey that won out. So, tell everyone who visits this site who YOU think will win the World Series.

And the survey said...

Posted by etee on Tuesday, October 12 @ 06:38:15 CDT (48 reads)
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 9/11 Remembered

News & Stuff writes "Let us not forget 343 on this day...3 years later.

Let us also not forget those on the 4 different planes who lost their lives...nor let us forget those who also lost their lives on the ground.


Posted by etee on Sunday, September 12 @ 08:36:39 CDT (54 reads)
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 Don't Hold Your Breath BUT.....

News & Stuff writes "For all of you Star Wars fans out there...the rumor is circulating that the digital graphics firm that did the work on the recent Star Wars films has now been required to sign non-disclosure agreements for 7, 8, and 9.

Wish I had a source to confirm/deny the rumor...but as of now...it is just a rumor...

I know one thing...I hope it is true and the films come out SOON :)"

Posted by etee on Thursday, September 09 @ 07:03:58 CDT (48 reads)
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 .net Wishes Everyone a Happy 4th!

News & Stuff

I would like to take this opportunity to which everyone a happy 4th of July (including my friends who hail from the "wrong side" of the War for Independence.) We are indeed fortunate that we as a country have been able to celebrate our nation's birthday for 228 years. Despite what some may say, America still represents the freedom that many people yearn for, yet do not have.

Just a reminder: please remember to drive safely, and do not drink and drive. We don't need you to become Yet Another Highway Statistic.

Posted by etee on Sunday, July 04 @ 00:15:00 CDT (54 reads)
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 'Look Ma, No Hands!'

News & Stuff

I don't seem to remember where this saying originated, but I think it had something to do with a child showing off new skills. I am certain that more than one parent felt a stab of fear run through them as they heard these words, and watched their offspring sailing down the street with their hands in the air (rather than on the handlebars of their bicycle.)

These days, the phrase takes on a whole new meaning. Thanks to the fact that computers are ubiquitous in our society, a whole new group of ailments has arisen to inflict us. Known as RSIs (Repetitive Stress Injuries), these conditions cause simple things, like typing, to be extremely painful. And, after 20-something years pounding away at a keyboard, my sins are beginning to finally catch up with me. Recently, I have been experiencing pain and fatigue in my hands after what seemed to the marathon typing sessions. As a result, I have not spend as much time on this web site as I would have liked.

However, thanks to the wonders of modern technology, I appear to have a solution. My employer recommends the use of voice-recognition software for (at least some) people with RSI. I recently took a class in to learn how to use Dragon NaturallySpeaking. The class was an eye-opener, as I finally learned how to make this software do what I wanted it to do. And, to make things even better, under the terms of the license agreement, I am able to install and run this software on one machine at home! Oh, Happy Happy, Joy Joy!

So, I intend to make the most of this opportunity. Look forward to new, exciting content, all produced without the aid of a keyboard. And, if your hands start to hurt after typing away at a keyboard, you might want to consider voice-recognition software. It can be a pain to learn, but it is definitely worth it!

Hands-free is the life for me!

Posted by etee on Monday, June 28 @ 21:30:46 CDT (58 reads)
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