Post details: Easter at the Creek: Waterfall


Easter at the Creek: Waterfall

Permalink 04:18:45 am, Categories: Landscapes / Scenics  

While the gallery is still not working yet, I have decided to resume (to a limited extent) posting of photos I want to share with others.

Today's photo from the 'Easter at the Creek' service is titled "Waterfall." During the service, I noticed several children were watching this waterfall rather intently (intently, that is, for small children: after about 2 minutes they were off and running about), so I sat down to see what was so interesting to them. Well, the view and sound of the running water, combined with the music from the service, was very soothing. It reminded me of the passage that goes "But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life." (John 4:14). So, I took this shot, and once I got home I cropped it really close to emphasize the moving water, and adjusted it as described below.

The shooting data is as follows:

  • Canon EOS-5D
  • ISO-320
  • 1/80 sec
  • F/11
  • sRGB color space
  • Tamron 0 zoom @ 183 mm
  • Photo adjusted in Photoshop Elements 3.0, using Exposure from Alien Skin Software, using the settings for Kodak Tri-X

And, here is the image:

Waterfall, Easter at the Creek, April 2006.

The Table Awaits, Easter at the Creek, April 2006
(click on image to view full size)

Photograph copyright © 2006 E D Truitt. All rights reserved.


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