Post details: From the Dallas Arboretum: Flowers, Bushes, and Trees - Oh My!


From the Dallas Arboretum: Flowers, Bushes, and Trees - Oh My!

Permalink 06:40:13 am, Categories: Photography, Flowers / plants  

While the gallery is still not working yet, I have decided to resume (to a limited extent) posting of photos I want to share with others.

Today's photo is another from the group taken at the Dallas Arboretum. This photo is of a group of flowers and flowering bushes, along with a couple of trees. The tree with the purplish blooms was what caught my eye in this photo.

The shooting data is as follows:

And, here is the image:

Flowers, Bushes, and Trees, Dallas Arboretum, March 2006.

Flowers, Bushes, and Trees, Dallas Arboretum, March 2006
(click on image to view full size)

Photograph copyright © 2006 E D Truitt. All rights reserved.


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