Post details: Happy Easter to All


Happy Easter to All

Permalink 12:00:01 am, Categories: Announcements  

All of us here at [ net hope that everyone has a blessed Easter.

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Congratulations! You have somehow managed to stumble across what is slated to become the blog and online eNews source for the Truitt family, .net!


With the new site, there are new places to explore, new things to play with (hopefully, there will also be new content to read.) Please feel free to look around (but don't try to pick any of the eLocks that secure some of the eDoors.)

You might ask, what is the purpose of this web site? Well, computers have been a hobby of mine for some time, and I had a "personal" web page on a former ISP. Then, in 2000, I discovered that I could get a good web-hosting deal at a decent price with MyLinux ISP. So, I signed up for the site, and have made it my personal "home on the World-Wide Web". Since then, I have made MyLinux ISP my (Linux) ISP, and they have proven to be good people to deal with.

What do I plan on doing with the site in the future? Well, I have hosted some sub-sites in the past, and I intend to continue this. I will continue to use this site as a news-place for family matters (those that can be aired publicly, anyway!).

Please be patient, as it will take me some time and effort to get this site off the ground - remember, I am doing it on my time, and sometimes that is at a premium!




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